PJK Wado Kan teaches the practical application of Wado Ryu karate.
It is a truly effective system for self protection that will stretch your mind as well as your body.


PJK Wado Kan adopt a pragmatic approach to karate training. Emphasis is placed on correct and effective striking techniques as a basis for what follows. The various kata (forms) of Wado Ryu are practised and working with partners the full richness of karate methods are uncovered. This includes not just the better known aspects of punching and kicking but also the lesser known aspects of true karate, which includes joint locks, chokes, strangles, throws etc.


All of what is practised is done so with a mind to self development and defence. The powerful and effective methods of karate being the last resort in self protection, the many stages leading up to conflict and it's resolution are also covered.


PJK Wado Kan Chief Instructor


Andrew Revell 4th Dan

With over 40 years experience in karate and the martial arts.

What you can learn...

Karate basics

How to punch and kick effectively, the use of posture to develop power. Body co-ordination and balance, distance and timing in order to avoid or deliver an effective counter attack. Body management - how to stop moving in straight lines and perfect tai sabaki in order to avoid being hit by an opponent.


Set forms each one comprising a full self defence system. We practice 14 different kata's. Kata incorporates all of the aspects of Wado Ryu karate and once learned, can be practiced as a solitary exercise outside of the regular training sessions. This helps improve technique, balance, breathing, timing and power – all important elements of karate. 

Kata bunkai

Practicing the analysis of kata (bunkai) with a partner, we learn much from breaking it down into it's elements, practical methods of defence and attack. In here we find the full catalogue of karate techniques that include not just punches and kicks but many other striking methods as well as throws, chokes, strangles, joint locks etc.

Combat Sparring

With one or more (non-compliant) partners, this type of sparring uses the principles and techniques learned from kata bunkai.  Unlike sport style sparring this takes place at more realistic close quarter distances. Once pressure-tested in this way, individuals should be able to defend themselves from most forms of physical violence.

Self protection and defence

Soft skills (avoidance of violence, so conflict doesn't become physical) as well as the hard skills used when deescalation fails are taught. The pragmatic application of karate incorporates what has been learnt above, plus additional techniques enabling its use in practical real-life situations. With an appreciation of UK law being an integral part of what is taught.

Kihon kumite

Formal pre-set techniques practiced with a partner that embody the principles of Wado Ryu – using evasion and deflection to avoid attacks (tai sabaki).

Ohyo kumite

Semi freestyle sparring techniques – practiced at a high level to improve body awareness, positioning, speed and control.

Sensei P J Kennedy
Sensei P J Kennedy (1941-2008)

Established in 1968 by Sensei Peter J Kennedy, 6th dan, our club practises Wado Ryu Karate.

knife defence
mawashi geri
First practice sesion is free!